CAS Consultants Ltd ensure the implementation of Safeguards policies as they are essential tools in prevention and mitigation of undue harm to people and their environment in the development process of projects. Achieving effective environmental and social outcomes requires breadth of perspective and depth of experience. Our technical knowledge and experience culminates in the highest standard of care and advice in protecting the environment. We work closely with clients and communities to ensure the preservation of natural environments during every stage of the project.
This section ensures that the activities of proposed project are environmentally sound. It also scrutinizes the overall effects of project activities on the environment and local situations and where relevant makes recommendations for design mitigation to be considered in the final design of the project. The process of applying safeguard policies is an important opportunity for stakeholder engagement, enhancing the quality of project proposals and increasing ownership.
Environmental and social safeguards aim to avoid, reduce or compensate for negative effects of activities. While there is no universal definition of safeguards, generally one can say that they consist of:
- Rules (such as policies, laws, regulations) that reduce the environmental and social risk and negative impact of activities.
- Institutions that implement those rules
Under this, the firm offers the following Environmental and Social services related to: –
- Engineering/ Infrastructure projects (roads, dams, buildings)
- Water Resources including surface waters, groundwater
- Water Conservation and catchment management
- Agricultural activities
- Rural and Urban sanitation and sewerage including reticulation treatment and disposal
- Solid waste management
- Irrigation projects
- Industrial Developments (industrial effluents, solid wastes, gaseous wastes and noise).
Under ESIA, the firm offers the following services:
- Environmental and Social impact Assessment (ESIA)
- Environmental Audits (EA)
- Implementation of Environmental Management and Social Frameworks and Environmental Management Plans
- Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plans
- Strategic Environmental assessment
- Environmental Scoping and screening studies
- Environmental policy, legal and Institutional analysis and advice
- Assessment of physical, biological and socioeconomic Baseline information
- Environmental and Social Impact identification and mitigation
- Management and monitoring of environmental management programs
- Environmental training programs.
- Air emissions monitoring and air pollution modeling.
- Asbestos consulting.
- Environmental health and safety training
- Contamination assessments, pollution control and prevention design.
- Environmental economics.
- Ground water and contamination modeling.
- Ground water pollution management.
- Industrial hygiene and occupational health and safety services.
- Noise and vibration assessments.
- Waste management and minimization.
Under Resettlements Action Plans, the firm offers the following services:
- Preparation of Resettlement Action Plans
- Implementation of Resettlement Action Plans
- Monitoring and Evaluation of RAP implementation process.