Assignment Name: Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Detailed Design and Preparation of Tender Documents for Bergei Dam Water Supply Project in Baringo County
Location Within Country: Baringo County

Name of Financier: ADB/GOK
Client: Central Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency
Description of Project: The Consultant is tasked with carrying out Feasibility Study, Preliminary Design, Detailed Design and Environmental Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of Bergei Dam. The infrastructural development consists of a rockfill dam with clay core of height 65m, storage volume of 7.5 MCM. The Water Supply Component consists of;17,711 m3/day treatment works, DN 350 Rising Main 5.2 km long, Pipelines of about 320km long with varying diameters of DN 500 to DN 63, Storage tanks, community water points, water troughs for livestock, irrigation of about 20 Ha, demonstration farm and provision for another 400 Ha, Mini Hydropower Plant generating 1150kW.
Assignment Name: Consultancy Services for Design and Supervision of Additional Water Supply Distribution (Last Mile Connectivity) for Migori, Siaya, Bondo, Keroka and Isebania Towns.
Location Within Country: Siaya, Migori and Kisii Counties
Name of Financier: ADB/GOK Client: Central Rift Valley Water Services Board/Lake Victoria Water Works Development Agency
Description of Project: The Consultant is tasked with carrying out Feasibility Study, Preliminary, Detailed Design, Environmental Impact Assessment and Supervision of Construction Works of the proposed Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure. The Consultant has also prepared the tender documents, confidential engineers’ estimate, assisted the client with obtaining NEMA License and procurement of the Contractor for the Works. The Project is divided into 3 Lots as follows; Lot 1: Keroka Town, Lot 2: Migori and Isebania Towns and Lot 3: Siaya and Bondo Towns. The proposed infrastructure includes but is not limited to design and supervision of construction of storage tanks, distribution lines, consumer meters connections.
Assignment Name: Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Preliminary Design and Detailed Design of the Proposed Mwania/Miwongoni Dam and Water Supply Project in Tanathi Water Works Development Agency Area – On-going
Location Within Country: Machakos County
Name of Financier: ADB/GOK
Client: Athi Water Services Board/TANATHI
Description of Project: The Consultant is tasked with carrying out Feasibility Study, Preliminary Design, Detailed Design and Environmental Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of Mwania/Miwongoni Dam. The infrastructural development is expected to serve areas of Machakos town and parts of lower Athi. The main project feature include; zoned earth filled dam of height 28m, Storage Volume of 10.7 MCM. The Water Supply Component consist of;DN 650mm Raw Water Main 620m in length, 19,000m3/day treatment works, 3 No. Rising Mains each about 3km, Pipelines of about 150km with varying diameters of DN 550 to DN 100, Storage Tanks totaling 10,000m3.
Assignment Name:
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Tender Documents and Supervision of Construction for Mwala Cluster Water and Sanitation Works.
Location Within Country: Machakos County
Name of Financier: Government of Kenya
Name of Client: Athi Water Works Development Agency/Tanathi Water Works Development Agency
Description of Project: The consultant has carried out design review and is undertaking Supervision of infrastructure sufficient for providing potable water services for residents of Mwala, Masii, Kabaa, Wamunyu, Mbiuni and Makutano towns as well as water borne sewerage system for Masii urban center. The proposed infrastructural development consists of: Construction of a 1.65m high RC Weir at Munyu along Ndarugu River, Construction of DN 450 Raw Water Pipeline 4.6km in length, Construction of a conventional Ndarugu Water Treatment Plant of capacity 6,600 m3/day, Water Transmission and Distribution, 70km steel pipelines and 37km of UPVC pipelines, 1 No. 1,000m3 RC tank at Muthei hill, Construction of 2 No. tanks of capacity 225m3 each and Mwala and Kabaa
Assignment Name: Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Tender Documents and Supervision of Construction for Kerugoya and Kutus Water and Sanitation Works.
Location Within Country: Kirinyaga County
Name of Financier: Government of Kenya
Name of Client: Tana Water Works Development Agency
Description of Project The consultant carried out design review, prepared ESIA and RAP Reports, assited the Client with the procurement of works Contractors and is currently undertaking Supervision of infrastructure sufficient for providing potable water services for residents of the urban centers to the ultimate project year of 2040 as follows; Kerugoya, Kutus, Kagio and Sagana. The main project features consists of; Construction of 2No. Intake Works across Thiba and Kiringa Rivers, 2No. Raw Water Mains DN 450 1.6km in length and DN 300 4.2km in length, Muratiri Treatment Works 30,000m3/day, Water Mains with varying diameter from DN 500 to DN 160 50km and 6.3km for steel and HDPE respectively, Storage Tanks with a total capacity of 10,000m3. The Sewerage Component consists of WSPs; 2No. Anaerobic Ponds 46m x 46m, 2No. Facultative Ponds 243 x 86m, 4 No. Maturation Ponds 69m x 113m with other associated infrastructure, Sewer Mains with varying diameters from DN 200 to DN 765 in concrete pipe 32km in length and a provision of 20km DN 150 UPVC condominium sewer and associated works including manholes and inspection chambers.
Assignment Name: Construction Supervision of Mombasa-Mariakani Highway Project. Lot 1: Dualling of the Mombasa – Kwa Jomvu (A109)
Location Within Country: Mombasa
Name of Client: Kenya National Highways Authority
Description of Project: Design review and Construction Supervision for Mombasa – Mariakani road; improvement to a
dual carriageway from Mombasa to Kwa Jomvu junction (12km).