Water is the most precious element / commodity available on the earth which is the main life support system of the environment. The water sources are identified and then they are used for various purposes and at various locations. Thus, water supply and distribution facilities are critical infrastructure for the environment. These facilities include wells or water supply intake structures, transmission mains, distribution mains and individual service lines. After water is used it goes through the sewerage system which is the sewage collection network starting from individual discharge points to centrally collection point, conveyance mains, treatment systems and safe disposal in to the environment.
Thus, CAS Consultants Ltd deals with the provision of clean water, disposal of waste water and sewage, and the prevention of flood damage. Our job involves repairing, maintaining and building structures that control water resources (for example, dams/ weirs, pumping stations and reservoirs). The Water Supply and Sewerage collection projects covered includes water intake structures, water and sewer systems for multi-storied buildings, hospitals, and design of complete distribution and collection systems to serve several entire townships. CAS Consultants Ltd over the years has therefore provided comprehensive schemes for the collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal of effluent for the various clients we have worked with.
CAS Consultants Ltd client list includes those from both the government sector as well as the commercial/industrial sector. CAS Consultants Ltd wide range of experience and high level of technical competence is complemented by their understanding of the intricate workings of water and sewer systems and some of the unique challenges the field presents.
CAS Consultants Ltd has the in-house talent to resolve utility conflicts, avoid environmental issues and find the most cost effective Water Supply and Sewerage design for their clients.
CAS Consultants Ltd have experience in all facets of Water Supply and Sewerage engineering, including:
- Water Supply and Sanitation Systems; Urban and Rural Water Supply, Low cost and Informal settlements systems, Packaged systems, Mast Planning
- Water Resources Management; Design &supervision of Water Reservoirs and Dams, Catchment Conservation and Management, Irrigation and Drainage Services, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment, Resettlement Action Plan, Evaluation, Conservation & Management Plans and Master Planning
- Urban and institutional sewerage reticulation treatment and disposal
- Socio-economic, management, institutional training, training needs assessments associated with water supply, sanitation and sewerage projects
- Construction Management and Supervision
- Technical and Performance Audits
In detail under Water Supply/ Resources Engineering, the firm offers the following services:
- Mini hydro-power
- Dams/weirs and diversion works
- Boreholes and water pans
- Pumping stations
- Water treatment works
- Water pipe networks
- Irrigation –
- Land irrigation analysis and design,
- Ponds (e.g. fish ponds) design and construction supervision
- Environmental and Social Impact Studies of Irrigation and drainage projects
In detail under Drainage, Sanitation/ Sanitation works, the firm offers the following services:
- Sewage treatment works
- Sewerage pipe networks
- Surface water drainage systems
- Industrial effluent treatment